




On 2nd October, our friend Jamal Khashoggi, a leading Saudi journalist and Washington Post contributor, went into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to get some routine paperwork done. He has not been seen since, and all signs point towards an assassination carried out inside the consulate on the orders of... read more

Mid-Ramadan Update

Mid-Ramadan Update


We’ve been very busy at Kawaakibi Foundation over the last few weeks, here’s a quick update on our ongoing projects. Firstly, we launched Iyad El-Baghdadi’s Ramadan blog series [] on Islam & Liberty. It’s available in both English [ read more

Announcing the #ArabTyrantManual Podcast

Announcing the #ArabTyrantManual Podcast


We’ve had a chronic capacity problem at the Kawaakibi Foundation (and the writing team that preceded the foundation). Since late 2013, we’ve accumulated a large corpus of original content — including strategic reports, articles, and several half-finished manuscripts — that was never surfaced. Throughout 2014 and 2015, I was struggling... read more

A New Path for the Spring

A New Path for the Spring

The Arab world has been caught for decades between the horns of an oppressive dilemma: time and again, we have been forced to either support the ruling autocrats in return for safety and stability, or to side with violent Islamist radicals in order to throw off the tyrants’ yoke and... read more

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